GOV Local Action Plan
#OpenHeritage Co-design sessions planned with the local community/local stakeholders from December 2018 to April 2019
Second Local Action Plan co-design session by the Rome Collaboratory
On the 21th of March 2019, LUISS LabGov team coordinated the second Local Action Plan co-design session with the Rome Collaboratory ! After a first detailed presentation of the Open Heritage Project by the LabGov team, the participants were divided in three groups to work on the activities that they will start organizing from June 2019. For each of these activity, they started defining actors to get involved, fixed deadlines, defined the necessary resources as well as the potential obstacles to be faced. They eventually drafted ideas to communicate about the activity.
The first group imagined 4 thematic bike tours based, for instance, on the neighborhood History, green areas or economic activities, involving cooperatives, associations, restaurants, and historical testimony. They underlined potential legal issues to be considered in building the activity.
The second group was committed, after defining the possible Heritage sites they could revitalize, to target institutional actors to contact and to anticipate technical issues to be faced.
The third group worked on the organization of a Local communication Campaign, focusing on social medias and activities they could use to display information on their work. They started conceiving artistic events to reach out people and raise attention on the Historical local Heritage.
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