Community energies - Capacity building
Training track
3rd lab: Network, partners, stakeholders
Frontal lesson: cooperation, beyond control and competition
Lab to identify synergies between the actors involved in the network
Presentation of works and group feedback
Viale della Bella Villa, 94
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People want to feel like they belong and be valued so don't hesitate to look at moving them from being just a network to more of a "community". This will require creative thinking and innovative ways of engagement. For those who lag behind your expectations, have a development and encouragement plan in place so they don't become derailers of your objectives.Just because you are excited about the change process don't assume everyone else will be as well. People are often threatened by change and they may also lack confidence in your leadership skills so be mindful of that. Don't just focus on the technical side of change such as a clear strategy but invest time in better understanding how humans are motivated and engage as a community. bodrum araƧ kiralama
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